# Variables Inserting a variable into a template mimics what you would expect from a Python f-string. ## Insert Value Into Template In this case, the template is in a function, and `name` comes from that scope: ```{literalinclude} ../../examples/variables/insert_value/__init__.py --- start-at: def main --- ``` ## Value From Import In this third case, `name` symbol is imported from another module: ```{literalinclude} ../../examples/variables/value_from_import/__init__.py --- start-at: def Hello --- ``` ## Passed-In Prop Of course, the function could get the symbol as an argument. This style is known as "props": ```{literalinclude} ../../examples/variables/passed_in_prop/__init__.py --- start-at: def Hello --- ``` ## Default Value The function (i.e. the "component") could make passing the argument optional by providing a default: ```{literalinclude} ../../examples/variables/default_value/__init__.py --- start-at: def Hello --- ```